Pre-fabricated seafood industry booms in E China’s Rizhao City boosting cold chain warehousing and logistics project
Prefabricated seafood is the largest subcategory and the most potential market segment in the prefabricated food industry in China.
Seafood and aquatic products in Rizhao City, Shandong Province in east China, are tapping the novel business model to expand their market in response to the burgeoning “prefabricated food” industry in China.
At present, there are more than 100 prefabricated food enterprises in Rizhao, among which seafood-related enterprises account for 40 percent. More than 200 enterprises in the city are engaged in the production and processing of aquatic products, with the total output of aquatic products exceeding 500,000 tonnes. Aquatic products have been exported to more than 100 countries and regions in Europe, America, and South East Asia.
The city of Rizhao has built an extensive industrial and supply chain, which includes aquaculture, seafood primary processing, and intensive processing of seafood. The growth in the business has created nearly 20,000 local jobs.
To enhance cold chain storage and transportation in the prefabricated food industry, Rizhao far sea cold chain logistics Co., Ltd., together with Rizhao comprehensive bonded area development group and local aquatic products leading enterprises, jointly invested 399 million yuan to build cold chain warehousing and logistics project to provide services.
The 2023 Rizhao prefabricated seafood development conference was successfully held in the city attracting prefabricated food industry stakeholders.
“In 2022, the market size of China’s prefabricated seafood industry exceeded 100 billion yuan and is expected to exceed 300 billion yuan in 2026”, said Cui He, president of the China Aquatic Products Processing and Marketing Alliance (CAPPMA).