Ministerial-level multinational inter-regional roundtable agreed on many important contents to promote the food and food system through South-South cooperation
Agriculture and Food Ministers from Vietnam, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Ghana, Malawi, Rwanda and St. Vincent and the Grenadines joined the Ministerial Roundtable to Promote Sustainable Investment and Innovation, digital transformation, opportunities for gender mainstreaming in the food and food system through South-South cooperation.
South-South cooperation is a form of cooperation to promote effective development through learning and sharing experiences, practices, and technologies among developing countries. The international community agrees that South-South cooperation plays a crucial role in the global partnership for development in general and for the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals.
South-South cooperation provides specific solutions to common global development challenges; share best practices, finance pilot projects, provide funding for scaling up successful projects, deliver public sector goods, and develop and adopt appropriate technologies turmeric.
Over the past few years, Vietnam has actively strengthened and expanded bilateral and multilateral cooperation with developing countries, especially countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean.
Vietnam has close cooperation ties with many African countries in areas such as agriculture, poverty reduction, food security, and environmental protection. The majority of Vietnam’s partnerships with these countries involve experience sharing and knowledge transfer, especially through the sending of experts to train and transfer technology.
Additionally, Vietnam has promoted bilateral cooperation with Angola, Mozambique, Egypt, Libya in rice export, rubber tree development, coffee, cashew, vegetables, and aquaculture.
Vietnam’s Minister Le Minh Hoan said “Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development responded to the World Economic Forum initiative and established the Food Innovation Network (FIH) for the East region. South Asia in Vietnam within the framework of the Vietnam Sustainable Agriculture Partnership (PSAV) – a highly successful Public Private Partnership initiative between MARD and more than 130 partners from various regions in the region. agricultural industry”.
Furthur, within the framework of FIH and PSAV, many innovative programs, initiatives and projects in the field of LTTP have been successfully implemented and have the potential to be further replicated such as the coffee chain linkage model; initiative to apply drone technology in the use and management of pesticides; low emission rice production model; building and transferring technology of cold storage of agricultural products associated with raw material areas for export… Vietnam is always ready to cooperate and share.
As Minister Le Minh Hoan expressed, the presence of ministers from many Asian, African and Latin American nations, as well as representatives of many countries and donor organizations, will provide a great opportunity for us to exchange, share experiences, and develop technical assistance projects, toward building a world free of poverty, protecting and developing the green planet together.
The event was organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Grow Asia and the Food Action Alliance (FAA) on the sidelines of the 4th Global Conference on Sustainable Food Systems Program.