GSI report highlights key pointers to beneficial aquaculture
GSI, is striving to drive change and promoting more sustainable practices in salmon aquaculture. Members of GSI are are fostering transparency by leveraging insights from data to collectively improve the sustainability of farm raised salmon. Increased transparency adds a layer of accountability to a company’s operations. With publicly available company metrics, buyers have an additional tool at their disposal to use in decision-making when choosing which product best suits their sustainability commitments.
GSI has release its 2023 Sustainability Report features 2,800+ data points on 15 metrics from 14 members across the globe.
Key highlights from the report include:
Antibiotic Reduction: GSI continued research, innovation, and knowledge sharing have led to a 75% reduction in the average use of antibiotics since 2013. Good fish health is our top priority, and with continued advancements, we hope to further reduce this number.
Improved Efficiency in Feed: GSI achieved a 51% decrease in the average use of fish meal and a 30% decrease in average fish oil use since 2013. As we focus on improving our feeding strategies to maximize use of marine ingredients and ensure best-practices in ingredient sourcing we are able to demonstrate improvements in feed sourcing while maintaining salmons nutrient profile. With the support of our recently launched ESG feed tool we anticipate further improvements here in coming years.
Sea Lice Treatment Reduction: Through non-medicinal approaches to risk management and innovations in farming operations, GSI have managed a 60% reduction in average sea lice treatments since 2013.
ASC Certification: Nearly two-thirds (64%) of GSI member production was Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) certified in 2023, indicating that more responsibly raised farmed salmon is available for consumers around the world.
Growing Workforce: GSI members employ over 27,000 people worldwide – a workforce that spans a variety of skills and expertise to raise thriving salmon.